Науково-методична лабораторія

Множинний інтелект в контексті якісної освіти XXI століття

1.Візуально-просторовий інтелект.
2.Кінестетичний інтелект.
3.Музичний інтелект.
4.Міжособистісний інтелект.
5.Внутрішньоособистісний інтелект.
6.Логіко-математичний інтелект.
7.Вербально-лінгвістичний інтелект.
8.Натуралістичний інтелект.
9.Екзистенціальний інтелект.

Take a short time and have new insights into the way you think:

Educational Project
Environmental Issues

is dependent on the fact that the priority of innovative approach on the current stage of educational tendency is concentrated in the personal area of the learner (learner-oriented) for making him/her a harmonious, active, alert, purposeful individual
is to actualize the possibilities of foreign education individualization on the basis of multiple intelligences theory
ü   help learners identify themselves as a bearer of some intellectual pattern
ü   provide an opportunity for self-cognition, self-satisfaction and self-government in foreign area
ü   practise the strategies for awakening the full spectrum of intelligences
ü   encourage the spirit of scientific discovery
ü   enhance the learners social skills, team confidence and cooperation
ü   stimulate constructive and   creative thinking by setting up a challenge to solve a particular problem
ü   design a product of external importance with different MI abilities engaged


self-identification as a bearer of some intellectual pattern (AWAKEN THE INTELLIGENCE) 
a) testing through activities + self-assessment + evaluation of success
b) answering the questions about yourself (What is your favourite academic activity? What form of presentation of your academic achievements do you prefer - making a visual project, miming, systemizing the graphs, writing a composition, making a speech, observing and analyzing?)

Learners make an intelligence inventory to create their own multiple intelligences profiles to anwer What type of learner am I?
Listen to the song and put vocabulary words to a melody pattern (Michael Jackson "Earth Calling")
enjoy listening, aware of the sounds, sensitive to melody and tone

Do observations (visit a city park and the central street, compare the air, trees, atmosphere) and sum up
feel comfortable outside, environmentally friendly
Look at the posters and display boards, comment on the problems, their causes, effects, possible solutions

think in three-dimensional terms (length, height, width), enjoy maps
Analyze the charts / graphs / tables (pie charts, line graphs, bar charts)

use numbers, shapes and patterns, organize thoughts systematically
Read the newspaper article and write a short summary of the problem

memorize easily, enjoy reading, writing, listening and speaking
Find information on the Internet and create a mind map for outline of the problem

comfortable being alone, know own strengths and weaknesses
Work in groups and make a panel discussion on the problem (cooperative approach)
enjoy cooperative learning, volunteer to help others
Complete the question map about the issue on the picture (what? → why? → how?)
always ask the why questions, need to see big picture and create analogies
Pantomime the problems

learn better when moving, use body language, gestures, hands-on learners

II - active involvements of MI patterns (AMPLIFY THE INTELLIGENCE)
All the students are supposed to tell, share and bring own experiences. Everyone is an active part of the project. They are aware of aims and achiements and will reflect it on the process.
a) performing the task (a learner-oriented)
b) find a partner who did the same task and make a pair presentation (optional)
c) co-operate with other pairs or individuals and make a group presentation (synergy of various intellectual patterns)

1. Choose an area in your town. Study it for a week. Find out about its history, problems, good and bad things about it. 
Present the information in the diary.

2. What’s your favourite wild animal? Make up a slogan and design a T-shirt for your animal. Be ready to show your shirt at 
Environmental Fashion week.

3. Choose a plant, animal or a piece of nature (river, park, etc.) find out everything you can about it. Use photos, interviews, texts, drawings, etc. to write a part of Environmental tourist guide.

4. Make the statistics charts / graphs about the environmental problems in Ukraine (air, water, earth pollution).

5. Make up a list of songs and videos about the environmental issues. Download the records with lyrics or save Internet links.

6. Role-play the environmental problems our earth is facing currently. Dramatize the causes, effects, consequences and possible solutions.

7. Choose something in your environment that needs protecting. What’s the problem? Is there a solution? Who can help? Design a poster to advertise your campaign.

III - creation of the home product of external importance (TRANSFER OF THE INTELLIGENCE)
Students reflect on their previous experience and relate the tasks to real life problems.

  • a collection of environmental essays / articles / brochures / guides / letters
  • a mini-drama performance
  • a video appeal on YouTube (motivational video)
  • a blog creation

  • each student is seen as an individual with own strengths and weaknesses and good at using an intelligence he/she knows
  • the teacher finds out how each student learns best
  • due to many different tasks the students are more intrinsically motivated in reaching the final result

The educational project shows how sucessfully integrate MI into the project-based learning. At the same time, the participants have an opportunity to experience real-life situations in which they acquire the language. Moreover, when students understand the balance of their own MI they begin to value their individual strengths. The further role of the teacher is to celebrate and make use of all patterns. 

10 коментарів:

  1. Вчителі-молодці!!! Гарно працюють!!! Є чим пишатись та поділитись з колегами міста.
    Мельник Світлана

  2. Дякую за нагадування як визначати тип інтелекту. Саме це необхідно знати вчителю, щоб зробити процес навчання ефективним.
    Мельник Світлана

  3. Дякую за цікаву інформацію. Обовязково скористаюся нею при нагоді.

  4. Дякую, що ділетесь інформацією і досвідом. Дуже допомагає у роботі. Бажаю Вам успіху!!!

  5. Чудова робота! Мені дуже допомогла при підготовці семінару, дякую.

  6. Дуже цікавий і корисний матеріал! Дякую !!! Бажаю успіху в усіх життєвих аспектах!! Большакова Н.

  7. The material deserves to be shared via solcial networking for more people to get aware of the intellectual phenomena of lerners and their teachers. Great research!

  8. Дуже дякую за розміщений матеріал. Бажаю успіхів!

  9. Знайшла багато корисної і цікавої інформації. Дякую. Бажаю перемоги!
