How to be a fit kid

Form: 7
Topic: How to Be a Fit Kid
Lesson type: урок формування знань, умінь і навичок

§  practical - to facilitate the usage of  topical vocabulary units in the communicative patterns;
§  educational – to widen general knowledge about healthy and unhealthy lifestyles;
§  developmental - to develop pupils’ critical thinking, cognitive abilities and imagination;
§  cultural - promote learners' awareness of the necessity to be both physically and mentally fit.

Equipment: a blackboard, a CD player, different pictures, handouts with the tasks, a jazz chant "Early Bird", short texts for reading in groups,  a magic box with pictures to group up, tables.

Structure of the lesson
1.  Organisation of the lesson (2min.)
2.  Warming up (3 min.)
3.  Phonetic drill (5 min.)
4.  Reading  and skills development (20 min.)
5.  Speaking skills development (10 min.)
6.  Setting the hometask (2 min.)
7.  Evaluation, conclusions of the lesson (3 min.)

Lesson Procedure
1.  Organisation of the lesson
(greetings, setting the atmosphere of a foreign language communication)
Teacher: Good morning, children! It’s great to see you today. You look very nice and I hope our work will be hard-working and successful today because we are going to discuss very important things today. By the way, you will have a good chance to show the level of your communicative competence progress.
2.  Warming up
Teacher: It is just the time to start, I suppose. Look at the pictures. What can you see on them? Distribute word-combinations into 2 categories. Let us add more ideas to each group using such phrases as I think, As for me, As far as I know, I suppose, It seems to me, etc.:
 Unhealthy Lifestyle        

Healthy Lifestyle

§  Eat healthy food
§  Smoke
§  Go for a walk
§  Go in for sports
§  Use a computer a lot
§  Drink alcohol
§  Use a mobile telephone a lot
§  Get enough sleep
§  Do morning exercises
§  Eat fast food

Pupil 1:  I think, doing water sports (swimming, diving, snorkeling, white-water rafting, deep-sea fishing)  is very good for our health.
Pupil 2: As for me, I know that drinking coffee is also bad for our health.
Pupil 3: As far as I have heard, positive feelings can bring  benefit to us.
Teacher: You are absolutely right! A great job! So, what will be our today’s topic?  Everybody knows that health is one of the most important things for every person. We need to care about it from the early years, because the situation we live in is rather tense. How do you think, what influences our health?
Pupil 1: I think that our health depends on our style of life.
          Pupil 2: I suppose our health depends on the food we eat.
Pupil 3: To be healthy we should sleep well.
Teacher: Yes, you are right. All these things are very important in our lives. And I am  very glad that you understand this. But unfortunately not all people follow the right lifestyle.
   3.  Phonetic drill
Teacher: You’ve mentioned that for a healthy lifestyle sleeping well is also important. Some people are early birds, the others are night owls (introduce unknown words). Which of these two are healthier? Why do you think so? (the learners share their ideas)
Teacher: Now you will listen to a jazz-chant about such people. But before this have a look at the sound [ɜ:]. Listen to the words and clap your hands when you hear this sound: bird, turn, mat, learn, hunt, hurt, night, early, owl, morning, hate, love, English, nut, earn, web, pour, note, fur, horn.
Teacher: Listen and count how many times the sound [ɜ:] is pronounced (the learners give the answers and get the copies with the chant). Listen and repeat the chant after the speaker (read it if you are happy / upset / angry).
4.  Reading  skills development
Pre-reading activities:
Teacher: Nowadays every schoolchild suffers from a huge stress at school and loads of homework. Is it necessary to keep fit for pupils? What do you personally do to be in a good form? There’s a lot of discussion these days about fit kids. People who care – parents, doctors, teachers – want to know how to help kids to be fit. There are some pieces of advice:

Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables
Listen to Your Body
Limit Screen Time
Be Active
Drink Water and Milk Most Often

Teacher: Rank the pieces of advice 1 to 5 from the most to the least important for you (1 is the top important, 5 is the least important).
While-reading activities (group work):
Teacher: Now I need 5 groups of yours (the teacher divides the class into groups with the help of 5 pictures). Each group will read a short paragraph. The task is to find a suitable heading for your text and give one piece of evidence for each to support your answer:

§  Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables
§  Listen to Your Body
§  Limit Screen Time
§  Be Active
§  Drink Water and Milk Most Often

GROUP 1 - Eaters
GROUP 2 - Bodies
GROUP 3 – Screeners
GROUP 4 – Activists
GROUP 5 – Drinkers
Post-reading activities:
Teacher: I hope you have coped with the task successfully. Each group should choose a leader now who will present the key information. The other groups should be very attentive because while listening you are to complete the following chart:

Limit Screen Time

Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time, not counting computer use related to school.
Be Active
Find ways to be active every day.
Drink Water and Milk Most Often
Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral.
Listen to Your Body
When you're eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full.
Eat a Variety of Foods, Especially Fruits and Vegetables
Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables.
Teacher: Now look at the photo of my neighbour Michael. He is not very fit but he wants to be strong and healthy. Give him some pieces of advice using should/shouldn’t.
e.g. You should drink 2 cups of milk a day.
        You shouldn’t overeat.
Teacher: I hope Michael will be very grateful to us when I tell your advice to him. Thanks for being so caring! And now it’s just the time to answer some burning questions.
Give complete answers to the following questions.
1.  What does “Being fit mean”?
2.  What kind of drinks should you drink more frequently? Why?
3.  What is the best way of eating? Explain in your own words.
4.  How can the time spent in front of the screen negatively affect kids?
5.  Mention three things a kid should not do to keep a healthy body.
6.  What kind of eater are you? Give examples to support your answer.
7.  How can parents be of a great help to their kids?

V. Speaking skills development
Follow up (discussion):
Teacher: So, what is the parents` role in all this? Does keeping fit depend on a child only or his/her parents? What about your family? Listen to the short paragraph about the parents' role in all this and tell you partner (pair work) 3 things you consider to be useful. Compare your answers.

Parents’ Role
Speaking of parents, they can be a big help if you want to be a fit kid. For instance, they can stock the house with healthy foods and plan physical activities for the family. Tell your parents about these five steps you want to take and maybe you can teach them a thing or two. If you're a fit kid, why shouldn't you have a fit mom and a fit dad?

5.  Conclusions of the lesson, evaluation
Teacher: OK. I think our work was very useful today. You were great! What have you learnt about keeping fit today? What will you personally do to be a fit kid? Match the halves of the English proverbs about health and choose one which best suits our today’s lesson. Prove your ideas.
A sound mind in
a) keep the doctor away
An apple a day
b) is above wealth
Early to bed and early to rise
c) in a sound body
Good health
d) but eat to live
Live not to eat
e) makes man healthy, wealthy and

6.  Setting the hometask
Teacher: Imagine that you work for a magazine Healthy Life. Write an article giving advice for schoolchildren to be fit. Choose a heading for your article and follow the plan:
Start like this: Nowadays it is very important for every schoolchild to be fit.  Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight. If you're fit, your body works well, feels good, and can do all the things you want to do, like run around with your friends…
Tell about: healthy food/drinks; activities; human body.
        Finish like this:  So, if you’re fit, your body works well, you feel good and ready to do all the things you want.

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